Sunday, July 14, 2013

Electrical Circuit Map

Above is an electrical circuit map. It displays amperage of various fuses, equipment supported and location.

Metes and Bounds
One of the first systems used in Colonial America to deliniate property was Metes and Bounds. Metes and Bounds marks property by having a known landmark for a starting point, and then follow a line according to a magnetic bearing, or the course of a stream, or of a road or highway.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cadastral maps represent the boundaries of individual land parcels in a given area, and usually contain details such as land ownership, tenure and obligations.  

Above is a PLSS (Public Land Survey System) map of Commerce Township, Michigan, where my Father-in-Law currently resides. The PLSS is a system brought about by the Land Ordinance of 1785, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, that divides public lands in the U.S. into 6 square mile tracts called townships.

Celestial Map

Celestial maps provide users with the position of the stars and were , at one point, useful in navigating open waters.

Bathymetric maps are similar to topographic maps but instead of displaying elevation above sea level they show depth below sea level. Maps like the one above are useful for navigating costal waters.

Multivariate Choropleth
A Multivariate Choropleth map provides multiple variables. The above map provides three variables; The ability to read, The ability to write, and average income.